Friday 18 January 2019

Casting Documents

Casting Document 

I chose this person to be in my music video as I decided to have a female representation within my music video. She plays a major role in my video and is the main reason why the two friends ended their relationship. This appeals to the target audience if 15-25 as the female actress fits that age group. As well it appeals to the aspirer, as audiences will watch this and will feel that they are able to engage themselves as the actress is relatable. Also this links to the glistening generalities ideal that as this a normal person, audiences can relate even further. 

I chose this person to be in my music video as he represents a wide range if ethnicities and can further appeal to different ethnic groups. He is one of the two best friends in my music video and plays a significant role in my video. It can appeal to audiences as the actor is a normal person and can feel relatable towards audiences. 

I decided to chose this person to be in my music video as he also represent another ethnic group and also it appeals to the common man which is essential when producing the music video, as I would want it to appeal to everyone.