Thursday 13 December 2018

Editing. Effects and Treatment


This video was before the editing, the scene takes place at the beginning of the video and the end. This is where the two friends bump into each other in the future , this scene also initiates the sequence of flashbacks. What i found with this image is that the street lights are too bright and are drawing attention towards it. Also the video itself looked a bit fuzzy so i decided to edit this to make the image more sharpen.  


 After the editing, I decided to attempt to dim the lights and keep it lowly saturated so it doesn't take the attention way from the two actors when they come into play. As well after the editing i sharpened the clip it make it look less fuzzy and used different colour schemes to keep it dim.

This shows all the clips i have used in the video and i decided to cut these down to fit the 3 minute target for my video. 

In this clip i used to a split screen to portray the scene with my two actors. What i did was use the original clip and cut half of it to create to separate clips and then i revered it to make a split screen effect. This accentuates the different editing skills within my video. As well instead of using black and white in most of my flashback clips. I decided to keep this in the original colour to give the authenticity in the flashbacks and to use the sun shining to my advantage as it further portrays the emotions of my actors in the video which is happiness. 

In this image it shows an editing style i used to leave effect. In one of the clips in the beginning of my music video, I decided to set the speed to 50% to allow the clip to have slow pace and to make it slow motion. I then timed the pace of the clip to the music and was able to successfully use the drop of the song to effect. 

In this image, i used the transition fade to black to accentuate the seriousness that is occurring at this point in the video. Also this image shows that i used titles to include a credit at the end of my video and as well as my logo at the last clip. 

Here i decided to use an editing technique to have the background in black and white and then have the two friends (Aaron and Wilson) in colour as well have the car in normal colour this is to further accentuate that this is a flashback and also as the scenes went on i decided to use less of the black and white and let it play out in colour.

In these two images i used a full black and white image to fully capture the moment in the flashback. 

These are some of the effects i applied for this clip. 

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