Monday 17 September 2018

Target Audience

Timed Analysis

  • 0.00-0.05
    • In the first 5 seconds, it shows a close-up shot zoom on a red box, the man goes onto opening the box to reveal belongings from a war veteran showing old pictures, dog tags and medals this suggests that the man who owned the red box has died and the person opening it is a close one reminiscing.  The close up keeps zooming in until it fades away to represent a flashback. 

  • 0.06-0.12
    • Shows a closeup of a kid riding a red bicycle, the close up is particularly zoomed in on the wheel of the bike which shows a picture that was found in the red box. The colour Red has already played significant part throughout this music video,  both the bike and box was in a vibrant red. This can signify the idea of love and lust as well as blood and violence, which ties in with the music video as it is about brotherly love who have both been affected by war in the future. This shot was set as a clear flashback to show the man reminiscing. 

  • 0.13-0.23
    • In this shot it shows a wide shot of the kid riding his bike down the street approaching his home. Again the camera is zooming in from the wide shot slowly. in the scene  it show the kid almost tiring and struggling when coming home riding, this can suggest that the kid has had a long journey or been out for a long time. 

  • 0.23-0.28
    • In this show it shows a wide shot of the kid slowly manoeuvring his wayoff his bike and running straight into his house. 

  • 0.28-0.34 
    • Shows a widest, zooming in of the boy running into the home.

  • 0.35-0.40
    • In this shot it cuts from the kid running into the house to a close up on a motorbike with the kid and his brother ,whose face is covered, by the motorcycle. It also shows the older brother fixing the motorcycle and throwing a rag over it. This can mean that the older brother is more masculine and as well it could mean that the two brothers have a special bond. 

  • 0.41-0.45 
    • Shows a close up on the older brothers face as he stands up from fixing the bike. The close up on the older brother shows his expression which is happiness, this could be as he is glad to spend time with his younger brother. 

  • 0.46-0.55 
    • Is a moving shot, it shows the older brother picking up his younger brother over his shoulder and then the the shot moves to the a closeup on the younger brothers face which is smiling and the actual face is covered in soot which is from the motorcycle. This further accentuates the solidarity in the brothers relationship 

  • 0.55-1.00
    • This shot it cuts a photographic image, that shows a man in military uniform, the man also has soot covering his face. As well as that the image is in black and white this suggest that is in the past and the boy is reminiscing. 

  • 1.00-1.05
    • In this shot its a closeup on the photographic image, but instead the boy flicks through the next time which shows another black and white image of a house wreckage and soldiers walking down the road with the backs to the camera. This gives clear reference to war and violence. 

  • 1.06-1.13
    • This shows a wide shot of the two brothers walking down an empty train railway with their dog.

  • 1.13-1.20
    • This shows a mid shot of the two brothers playing on the edge of the train railways. It shows the little brother laying out old coins along the edge. this show then fades out to the train moving on the track. 

  • 1.21-1.23
    • This show the train just moving on the track fading out. 

  • 1.24-1.30
    • This shows a closeup on the two brothers up against a car and the older brother showing his little brother an old fashioned coin. The close up moves into the facial expression of the little brother zooming in .The expressions of the brothers were joyous. As well the older brother scruffs his little brothers hair in an expression of love. It then zooms into the coin held by the brother. 

  • 1.31-1.36
    • This cuts to a closeup of the contents in the red box. The shots shows a closeup on the buttons of the military hat and a panoramic zoom downwards to another photographic image to instigate a flashback. 

  • 1.37-1.41
    • The scene fades to black and shows the two brothers silhouettes and a holding a jar with a fire fly. 

  • 1.42-1.48
    • The shot then moves to show a closeup on the brothers face, opening the jar and releasing the firefly and the two brothers start looking up to see a vast amount of fireflies in the sky. 

  • 1.49-1.52
    • The scene cuts to a closeup on a man holding an american flag folded up.

  • 1.53-1.57
    • The shot then cuts to a wide shot, to show an old man in military uniform, holding the american flag and then doing a slow march towards the gave. The shot is set in the graveyard. This tells me that someone significant has died. 

  • 1.58-2.02
    • This shot is fade to black to show a closeup on a man who is playing the trumpet, this represents a funeral service and someone s playing the trumpet to pay respect to someone who has just died. 

  • 2.03-2.14
    • This shows three military men lined up in a low-key lighting. The shot varies between a closeup and a wide shot, but the three military men are doing a gun salute to show respect for the person who has passed away 

  • 2.15-2.22
    • In this scene it cuts back to the older man marching and the military man playing the trumpet

  • 2.22-2.27
    • This scene is a wide shot and shows the two brothers walking out of a Woolworth's. The saturation is quite bright and there is high key lighting to represent this is a happy moment. 

  • 2.28-2.31
    • This shows the two lads walking past a TV and there is a closeup on the television to show news on the war and upsetting war videos, to see whats going on out there.

  • 2.32- 2.35
    • This shows a close up zooming in of a photographic image, the image has blood smeared all over it. 

  • 2.36-2.38
    • Closeup on a man flipping burgers at a party.

  • 2.39-2.44
    • Shows people at a get together/party kids wearing american hats, holding sparklers and enjoying themselves having a good time. 

  • 2.45- 2.51
    • Shows the little brother with an older lady at the party. Both are smiling and having fun the lady shows the little brother a lighter and lights up a sparkler. 

  • 2.52-2.56
    •  Shows an old clip of he war. the clip is black and white and is clearly old fashioned.

  • 2.57-3.03
    • Shows the girl handing the boy the sparkler and a closeup on her face which is happy. 

  • 3.04-3.09
    • Show another old clip of men at war it shows the grievance and pain they're in. Again it is in black and white and is clearly old fashioned. 

  • 3.10-3.17
    • This shows more scenes at the party, people are still waving around the sparklers, there is a fade out to see the little brothers face looking upwards but then fades back in t the party. 

  • 3.18-3.28
    • In this scene it cuts back to the military man playing the trumpet in a closeup, it also shows the gun salute and the it goes back and forth. 

  • 3.29-3.36
    • All the scene cut in together, so there are scenes from the old ma marching to the grave, the kids at the party and the gun salute. 

  • 3.37-3.38
    • This shows a photographic image of the two young brothers in an image. The shot is in a closeup,

  • 3.39-3.41
    • Shows a closeup of someone placing their hand on the american flag folded up held by the old military man, it then cuts to the old man saluting someone in a military way.

  • 3.41-3.45
    • Cuts to the two brothers under a tent talking, the shot is a wide shot to see the whole background 

  • 3.46-3.51
    • Cuts back to the photographic image of the two young brothers, both brothers are kneeling down but this time the older brother changes from a young boy to an older man going to war, still kneeling down. 

  • 3.51-3.56
    • Shows the little brother holding the American flag and the camera zooms out from a closeup to show he is standing in front of the three military men from the gun salute. It also shows the little brother looking serious and into the distance. 

  • 3.57-4.00
    • Cuts back to the two brother sin the tent and them two doing hand puppets whilst the older brother is holing the flash light. 

  • 4.01-4.07
    • Shows a closeup on the artist Avicii's face which then zooms out to show he is in the field where all the fireflies were and is standing in the middle of it. 

  • 4.08-4.23
    • It then shows Avicii looking up to the camera and starts walking towards the camera in the field as the scene fades to black. The shot is in a wide shot. 


Textual Analysis music video 2

Thursday 13 September 2018

Preliminary Task- Group video- Massive Attack

This preliminary task was conducted by my group and we chose the song Massive Attack to practise our video editing, camerawork , planning and production. This was to be used in our own music videos that we will later produce.

Overall the preliminary task was a success I learned some basic editing skills on Adobe Premiere Pro. I was able to practise different transitions and effects within the preliminary task. Also i was able to put different clips together to make the video come together.

To improve for next time, i will concentrate to have a steady camera as in the preliminary task there were some scenes with the camera shaking. To improve this i will use a tripod and a steads-cam to improve the quality of my video.
As well i will use my time to plan more efficiently and try utilise my time more. During the planning i will attempt to plan the costumes, props and locations for my own video.
When editing i will attempt to expand my skills this will come with try and error as well as practise.