Thursday 13 September 2018

Preliminary Task- Group video- Massive Attack

This preliminary task was conducted by my group and we chose the song Massive Attack to practise our video editing, camerawork , planning and production. This was to be used in our own music videos that we will later produce.

Overall the preliminary task was a success I learned some basic editing skills on Adobe Premiere Pro. I was able to practise different transitions and effects within the preliminary task. Also i was able to put different clips together to make the video come together.

To improve for next time, i will concentrate to have a steady camera as in the preliminary task there were some scenes with the camera shaking. To improve this i will use a tripod and a steads-cam to improve the quality of my video.
As well i will use my time to plan more efficiently and try utilise my time more. During the planning i will attempt to plan the costumes, props and locations for my own video.
When editing i will attempt to expand my skills this will come with try and error as well as practise.

1 comment:

  1. well done you have uploaded your video, you will need to identify opportunities in which the video can be improved. I have noticed that the selected aspect ratio crops some of the footage, Please ensure that you apply the correct ratio for your final video.
