Tuesday 12 June 2018

A production schedule

Production Schedule

2 Days of Filming
1st day to complete most of the video and shoot most scenes with the two friends whilst taking advantage of the sunlight.
2nd day to complete rest of the music video and shoot the scenes left with the female actor to finish off all the work.

The editing process will take over a number of weeks to finish off

Day 1 - 5/11/18


Used this day to complete a large proportion of the video. Started filming in areas nearby Harlow to represent the rags to riches story and almost the journey the two friend undertook.

Filming in Harlow took place between 1:00pm-3:30pm
In this time we shot both intertextual links in the titanic and Shawshank Redemption.
The opening sequence of the flashback was shot as well as the car journeys.
Also different, parts of the video such as the friends playing video games/walking around the area and having fun.

Filming in Westfield, Stratford took place between 5:00-6:30
In this time we travelled to Stratford to shoot the opening and closing scene where the two friends bumped into each other and in the end forgave each other and became friends again.
We conducted a costume change and the two lads changed into smarter clothing to represent a higher socio economic class which is A B.

Day 2 - 6/11/18


In that day we completed the rest of the video, and the only scenes that were left was the ones with the interactions with the female actor. In this day all of our shots were in Harlow.

Filming in Harlow- 2:00pm-3:00pm 
Filming didn't take long as areas was nearby, 
We shot the scene when the lads first meet the girl and also shows the fight between the lads. This was a quick and easy process and ws able to be finished within an hour. 

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